Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Review of PS3 HDMI Cable

"no such thing as a better cable" is a misnomer.HDMI cables are rated by the bandwidth capacity (commonly known as bitrate per second), the higher the rate, the more info it can pass digitally in a given timeframe.Why is this important? Because, as games become faster, and higher-bit color graphics emerge, HDMI cables will need the additional bandwidth capacity to smoothly transmit the digital signal from game/video source to your T.V.Emerging technologies, such as 12, 16, and 18-bit color, and "lossless audio" will become standard in the near future.

There are some HDMI cables capable of 3.4 Gbit/s, which can more than handle today's 1080P/12-bit color requirements.Some manufacturers, like Monster Cable, claim 10.2 Gbit/s with their M1000HD series HDMI cable, but it's really 3.4 Gbit/s cable multiplied by it's channels (3).

Current sources, such as HD DVD, BluRay and the current crop of PS3 games are adequately served by the HDMI cable listed here.However it won't be long before a "better cable" is required to handle the latest technology.You don't have to sweat it, for the moment.

Click Here to see more reviews about: PS3 HDMI Cable

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