Senin, 19 April 2010

Review of Logitech Xbox 360 Wireless Guitar Controller

I love Rock Band (RB) and play it with my friends often. We're very happy with MadCatz wireless 2-strum bass, but haven't found a nice upgrade replacement for the guitar. With an entry price of $200 and no chance to test it out in a store (and no reviews), I took a chance & pulled the trigger on this beaut.

First, it's a gorgeous, balanced and a substantial piece of equipment.I was wary not to dent the walls or my friends while walking around with it.The strum bar is perfect! (no noise, quick spring-back)I also love the hidden and easy location of hitting the back button with your strum hand (something RB guitars have never done well), as well as the hidden start button below the whammy bar.It's not full-size, but is substantially larger than the regular plastic guitars that come with Guitar Hero (GH).In fact, I fell in love with everything about this guitar... except the actual fret buttons.

The fret buttons are the exact same size as those that come on standard GH guitars, but they're further up, so your fingers are at more of an angle to hit them. The wood fret board is much wider/larger than the plastic versions, so it's also much harder to reach around to connect with the actual buttons. This is where RB buttons are much easer to hit, though I personally prefer the protruding GH buttons in general, for this piece, they don't work. In fact, several times, without removing my finger from the buttons, it would not register a chord depending on which part of the button was being pressed. Instead of my scores getting better over time, they were always lower. It may be something others can learn to adapt to, but it was a deal-breaker for me (after 7 hours experience) and I have to send it back. My friends had the same problem - we all loved the look, feel, strum & design of this guitar, but the fret buttons failed us.

So, what could have been so wonderful (a 5-star love affair), is being sent back (down to 3-stars). I'll patiently wait for the next upgrade installment (deep purple color, please!) and continue to play on my multitude of puny plastic toy guitars until then.

[For background as we all have personal preferences, my current favorite controller is the GH-3 guitar (got it with Aerosmith). The RB standard controllers are good for bass, but their strum bar & back button locations don't compare. I played GH 5 & RB Beatles while testing this controller.]

Click Here to see more reviews about: Logitech Xbox 360 Wireless Guitar Controller

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