Selasa, 27 April 2010

Review of PSP Invisi-Shield

There's no instructions included, so you have to use your head, but treat this thing as if it was the screen itself.

Only touch the edges, and paste it on in one long uninterrupted stroke. You remove the little "peel here" thing, and it's sticky on the other end.

The way I did it was to align the upper left and lower left corners, and then stick that small side down and let it drop on the rest of the screen. I ended up with no air bubbles, and only tiny bits of air around the edges, which is completely unnoticeable. Before applying the sticker, I made sure to clean the PSP with monitor wipes (sold in Staples, anti-static, anti-fog, no alcohol). I now have a permanent, crystal clear PSP screen. Combined with the Logitech PlayGear case, it turns my PSP from a sub-par, fragile, fingerprint prone, easy-to-drop device, into something truly god-like for public transport.

This product is highly recommended, but once again - be careful with it. You only get one shot to apply it right. (As with many things in life - sucks, doesn't it?)

Click Here to see more reviews about: PSP Invisi-Shield

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